Children's clipart/pics-actions? - clipart of march break
I've used so much trouble finding clipart for actions, as visuals for the songs and others. For example ... Jumping, hopping, galloping, stomping, running, and so on. Anyone have any suggestions? I tried Google to control certain words and pictures, but so far is a waste of time. :-) Thanks in advance!
If the link does not work, go to the website of Microsoft multimedia art and style lookup 647th ...
This is a large number of clip art preschool. There is an ethnically diverse, strong and clean the machine Nice, and almost all activities, is represented pre-school.
If you are for children and classroom use, visit my website:
The craft and new activities added almost daily.
Hope this helps!
EBay tip for flip charts. I have listed some, if I see me, whether they have focused on the movement of the body.
Also check out Bob Jones Press online. You have to help a lot. If you do not see, please send a contact message.
Cut pictures from magazines, ads can toy stores, sports store displays and supplies are ordered from textbooks. You can try to determine or ask the children if he could be a picture of someone jumping, etc.
Get on the paper and the image crop - we had a game once.
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