What is the classical piano song played in the background during Ep. 14 Seas. 4 of Greys Anatomy? - wine lockers
So I brought this song and finally found. It is a sweet piano song without words, played in the background of the scene in episode 14, "being" in the 4th Season of Gray's Anatomy. It is the scene in which Derek talks to Meredith in the locker room of people who ask for a bottle of wine you bought, once in a survivor's pension in their clinical studies. Talk provides all the patients were lost to.
I really want to find this song, the name of it. My fear is that these are made specifically for the Gray's Anatomy, and I can usually find, but you know, a place where I could find that would be awesome.
I also think this song is played in the menus for scene selection in the first and second season of Gray's Anatomy on DVD. But his choice in the scene.
I do not mean the subject of Gray's Anatomy ... This is not what it is.
Please, any help would be appreciated.
That is all I find:
Music featured in this episode:
1. Carmella (Four Tet Remix) by Beth Orton plays at the beginning of the episode as Bailey walks through the hall with Tuck. Meredith talks with Dr. Wyatt.
2. Like A Virgin by Sandra Oh. Cristina sings the song, as she works on the corpses.
3. Mansard Roof by Vampire Weekend is that George began to distribute the forms. Lexie and Meredith are afraid to address. George Rose says that one after all need. Meredith goes to find Cristina. Alex is an incomplete form.
4. Knowing when played by Jay Clifford Walk Away as Alex, the temperature was before the operation Mrs Marshall. Wheels Darren Meredith in surgery and ratings Todd still waiting in the hallway.
5. Plays Brilliant hours under water, Derek told Meredith that I see Darren's can have. Callie wants to have sex, but Mark is not in the mood.
6. Just yesterday, Taken By Trees plays as Meredith monitored Darren. Mark Bailey is sitting pensively in the hallway, deathd a reply from Meredith and Darren's father needed, and Erica tells Mrs. Marshall, who always topped the list for a new heart.
7. Frightened Rabbit Good Arms v Bad Arms plays as the episode comes to an end. Izzie asks Bailey how his dilemma raised, comfort Lexie, George, Callie confesses why he had avoided Erica, and Derek discuss with Mark in the elevator.
No. Sorry, but I think it was a partition specifically for Gray's Anatomy. I have tried to pass the search on Google for 45 minutes and nothing
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